Friday, March 9, 2012

A bit of before & after

Not that we're finished restoring the back of the house, not by a long shot...  but we're nearing what we call the end of "Stage one", whereby we hope that Council will sign off on the Complying Development Certificate for the "addition of deck and replacement of roof section". Actually getting to the "tick off" moment may be more difficult than getting a camel through the eye of a needle (more on that later), but here is what's been achieved in these past three months:

Prior to starting, Sept 2011. The stairs were 'condemned', the roof leaked, the guttering was shot (by hail)

 March 2011. The walls and windows are not finished, but the deck and roof are!


Cees said...

Hi Mieke, John,

It sure is a lovely house!
Right now Eef & I don't really have the time and means to travel, but one day we'll come see for ourselves...


Anonymous said...

It looks very grand. I hope you are going to have an extension warming party and invite all your friends!

