Sunday, August 1, 2010

House for rent (free)

For rent: lovely new home with fine views

There are a zillion jobs John and I could do around here ... all varying states of urgency ... But when I saw the rainbow lorikeets hunting for a place to nest (the previous owner of this place having chopped down many beautiful trees, thus depriving them of their homes), I decided it was a matter of great urgency to build a potential home for a pair of lorikeets. I used this simple Kestrel nest box plan but adapted the size to cater for nesting lorikeets.The box is about 20 x 20 x 30 cm with a hinged top lid and a 6cm diameter entrance hole.

The only other adpatation I implemented was placing three perches which went right through to the interior of the box, which would allow fledgelings to climb out.

Now let's wait for occupants :-)

Nesting box in pine with Tung oil finish

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